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Get There Together

4.8 ( 8128 ratings )
开发 Cardiff and Vale local university health board

Get There Together is a national project to support people to access locations and services in their communities. It was designed with communities across Wales, to support people living with dementia but, could be used to help people with a variety of conditions.

Short videos act as digital stories to enable the user to view locations and services before visiting, hopefully lessening any anxiety and encouraging people to get out into their communities.

Initially Get There Together resources were developed to support people to adjust to changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim to reassure anyone who was apprehensive about getting back out into their communities. We learnt through feedback and data on resource usage, that the videos are highly valued and continue to help people beyond the pandemic.

The Get There Together app has the option to view content in Welsh and English.

The app allows users to view and save videos/activities from a national library that include a range of topics such as, going for a CT brain scan, getting a COVID-19 vaccination, managing noise sensitivity, getting out for some fresh air, visiting a hospice.

Additionally, users & their supporters can create their own digital stories (with simple guided steps) to have personalised private activity content. This feature could be used to plan visits to local services or to support with activity preparation around the home, such as steps needed to make a cup of tea.

A Day Planner enables multiple digital stories/activities to be saved in a series to plan a day out.

Furthermore, the app will enable users to access the content whilst out and about, something focus groups of people living with dementia expressed would be useful.

The Get There Together app has been developed with funding from the Welsh Government.

Mae Mentro Gyda’n Gilydd yn brosiect cenedlaethol i gefnogi pobl i gael mynediad i leoliadau a gwasanaethau yn eu cymunedau. Fe’i cynlluniwyd gyda chymunedau ledled Cymru, i gefnogi pobl sy’n byw gyda dementia ond, gellid ei ddefnyddio i helpu pobl ag amrywiaeth o gyflyrau.

Mae fideos byr yn gweithredu fel straeon digidol i alluogir defnyddiwr i weld lleoliadau a gwasanaethau cyn ymweld, gan leihau unrhyw bryder ac annog pobl i fynd allan iw cymunedau.

I ddechrau, datblygwyd adnoddau Mentro Gydan Gilydd i gefnogi pobl i addasu i newidiadau yn ystod y pandemig COVID-19, gydar nod o dawelu meddwl unrhyw un a oedd yn bryderus ynghylch mynd yn ôl allan iw cymunedau. Fe wnaethom ddysgu trwy adborth a data ar y defnydd o adnoddau, bod y fideos yn cael eu gwerthfawrogin fawr ac yn parhau i helpu pobl y tu hwnt ir pandemig.

Mae gan ap Mentro Gyda’n Gilydd yr opsiwn i weld cynnwys yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.

Mae’r ap yn galluogi defnyddwyr i weld ac arbed fideos/gweithgareddau o lyfrgell genedlaethol sy’n cynnwys amrywiaeth o bynciau megis, mynd am sgan CT ar yr ymennydd, cael brechiad COVID-19, rheoli sensitifrwydd sŵn, mynd allan am ychydig o awyr iach, ymweld â hosbis.

Yn ogystal, gall defnyddwyr au cefnogwyr greu eu straeon digidol eu hunain (gyda chamau arwain syml) i gael cynnwys gweithgaredd preifat wedii bersonoli. Gellid defnyddior nodwedd hon i gynllunio ymweliadau â gwasanaethau lleol neu i gefnogir gwaith o baratoi gweithgareddau o amgylch y cartref, megis y camau sydd eu hangen i wneud paned o de.

Mae Cynlluniwr Dydd yn galluogi nifer o straeon/gweithgareddau digidol i gael eu harbed mewn cyfres i gynllunio diwrnod allan.

Ar ben hynny, bydd yr ap yn galluogi defnyddwyr i gael mynediad at y cynnwys tra fyddant allan, rhywbeth y gwnaeth grwpiau ffocws o bobl syn byw gyda dementia ddweud y byddain ddefnyddiol.

Mae’r ap Mentro Gyda’n Gilydd wedi’i ddatblygu gyda chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru.